Monday, April 28, 2008

Max the Effing genius

My respect for Max, the italian post doc in my lab has increased 10 fold after a lunch time discussion with him. No it did not concern physics, but women and periods.. yes u read it write women and periods(time of the month kinda thing).
Ever since Max has bought the nokia N85 he hasnt been wasting it like most stupid people i know to listen to music and movies... he has been downloading free gps softwares and other productivity tools... there is something he downloaded which deserves real respect...
Its called the period tracker...btw Max is in his late 30s.......u enter the time of the month for a girl/woman and it keeps track of her period and her ovulation how why does he need to use it:

1) Situation one: Some girl could not have sex with him a particular time due to her time of the mnth gets noted down by him and its stored in his phone.....btw u can track periods of upto N number of girls...

Once he had the info..the software tells him when she is ovulating aka...when she will put out....for me ovulating girls dosent guarantee sex but for a italian in his 30s in singapore it does......
so using his ovulation calendar he texts the girls accordingly...and 9/10 times he gets a positive response(what follows is 3 hrs in a budget hotel......nvm)
if the girl dosent reposnd during the ovulation period...he discards her and moves to another one...

2)Situation 2: He is also married. He uses it to track the PMS demon of his wife... so apparently like 5 days before the main event ...he is extra nice and goes home in time....

Using this application he is in perfect control of all the women in his how great is that...

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